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‣ ||| ‣ ||| ‣ ||| ‣ ||| ‣ ||| ‣ ||| Beshoy Sabri's Printed CV

Experienced Software Engineer who’s passionate about high-impact tech solutions that yield proven results. I am transitioning into a career in Data Analytics & Engineering. I have a good background in developing business web solutions. I also have an active interest in digital marketing and business analytics.

I am a results-driven professional with a passion for developing web solutions that drive business growth. With expertise in implementing business analytics models, I excel at helping companies efficiently track their progress. My experience as an Ex-Lecturer Assistant at the GUC, specializing in research technologies for academic studies, has provided me with a solid foundation in learning and teaching tech.

During my tenure as a lecturer assistant, I focused on optics, modern physics, and electronics engineering, specializing in photonics/optics physics and computational tools. This diverse background allowed me to implement different instructional paradigms and leverage convenient pedagogical techniques for scientific educational tracks.

What sets me apart is my professional agility and scientific curiosity, which consistently enhance my productivity and market value. As I embark on the next phase of my career, I am seeking an employment opportunity in the data analytics and engineering field within a reputable software company. I aim to deepen my knowledge and skills beyond the generalist scope and thrive in a specialized engineering environment that will foster my career growth.

My ideal role would enable me to leverage my engineering and project management skills, while also enhancing my business acumen. I am eager to contribute my technical expertise and collaborate with cross-functional teams to drive impactful solutions. Joining a forward-thinking organization that values innovation and professional development aligns perfectly with my career aspirations.


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Current — August 2023 | Valeo
